1 July 2022: Nau Mai, Haere Mai Katharina Hecht, Project Coordinator – Regional Kiwi Call Survey

PFHCCT is thrilled to welcome Katharina Hecht to our team as the Project Coordinator of the Regionwide Kiwi Call Survey. This important role was funded via Jobs for Nature funding through Save the Kiwi in order to secure forward momentum for the mahi being done all over the Coromandel to protect our national icon. The kiwi call survey will give insight into regional data and trends, allowing for a regional overview of the situation rather than one just at a project level.

Katharina’s role is pivotal to the success of the survey as she has been charged with training the volunteers, setting up the listening sites and generally keeping everything ticking along. While some volunteers and many groups are old hand at kiwi call surveys, in order to create the baseline data the survey has required a uniformity of data collection so it can all feed into the central survey results.

The Coromandel is already known to be a place dense with both kiwi and those who wish to help kiwi thrive. The appointment of Katharina and the collaborative efforts behind the Regional Kiwi Call Survey will secure an even better future for kiwi and their helpers by helping to safeguard even more safe territory for our feathered friends.